Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Photography: The Start of Something New?


The word still sounds new in my mouth.

Before, I was always entranced by more romantic art, like painting or sketching. But I might have found a passion in a much newer form of art.

My favorite thing to take photos of are flowers. I especially enjoy using different angles, whether it be head on...

... or looking up

I also really enjoy taking pictures of nature scenes. There is a beautiful lake close to my house, and my family and I often take walks around it. I brought the camera one time to see how photos would turn out. I soon discovered that any photographer, even an amateur one, needs a tripod to hold their camera steady. The photos are at night, so they're pretty dark. I was captivated by the reflection of light across the murky waters, but the effect was ruined by my lack of a tripod.

This photo was only slightly blurry, but overall a good photo.

This was a good shot I got of the fountain in the center of the lake, and the only picture that isn't blurry. I was able to steady my camera on the side of a railing to support it.

Some of them are so blurry you see lines instead of individual lights.

Hopefully, in the future I will have the proper equipment and skills to take better photos! Wish me luck!

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